Monday, February 2, 2009

Scenes from around Paragon City

Aaaand a few scenery pics from Paragon City, home to heroes (clicky for bigger):

Faultline, a former hazard zone now being rebuilt

Scenes from Around the Villain Isles

Some various environments found in the Rogue Isles, main setting of City of Villains (all clicky for

Sun setting over ocean, Mercy Island

Fun Screenshot Sequences

Sometimes I get a chance to click off several screens in a row, giving me a cool sequence. Too little to be an animation, but enough so you can see the progression. Here's a few of those (click for bigger versions, natch):

Scrapper kicking dude out of frame

Object destruction in Mayhem Mission

The area heal from the villain-only Pain Domination set, all sparkly and evil

City of Heroes/Villains Glossary

Some helpful concepts to know for when I blather about CoX. Or you can pick it up as you go along, I guess, but this is so you don't have to. Warning: quite long. I tried to arrange it so the most common terms were earliest, though. See also: MMO generay glossary.

Last updated: 10 Feb 2010.