Tuesday, February 22, 2011

And... I'm a bit irritated again

[Edited/Updated 25 Feb]

Okay, so, this week is Guild Wars 2 norn week. The Monday article is basically about a) norn aren't just big humans and b) here's some things that might make you want to play one.

The picture included was, of course, full of boob:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh, right, Guild Wars 2

So, I realized the other day I haven't posted for a couple months.

Part of this is I really haven't had much to talk about. Until a few weeks ago, there wasn't anything new coming out of ANet about Guild Wars 2, so that topic sort of exhausted itself. It's not that I'm not still looking forward to the game, but there wasn't much to comment on. I could've mentioned going through Dark Cloud II (aka Dark Chronicle outside the U.S.) or my progress in Guild Wars, but, er, I didn't.

Let's rectify that with a long, rambling post about Guild Wars 2.