2008 was really nasty health-wise for me which has really done a lot to keep my ability to regularly play games (or do much of anything else) sort of erratic. For instance, right now I'm on something like day 7 of tension headaches, which isn't so bad in terms of pain but because of the type of pain is very very distracting. I'll probably lay down again after typing this up.
I'm on hiatus from Simming (though I'm going to try to go back soon) and was doing it really slowly anyhow. Played a lot of Civ and GalCiv 2 because those are easier to stop and restart. Started playing Guild Wars in January, but stopped playing a few months ago, not because I don't like it but because I just was feeling too blah to play regularly... we (my fiancé and I play together) will probably start playing it again on and off soon, though, and logged on for the holiday events.
Most recently, after finding out City of Heroes is finally getting some ATI support and checking via a trial account if that meant we could actually play without problem, we resubscribed and made a whole bunch of new characters. I'd like to be playing one right now, but as usual, health is interfering (I had to stop after an hour last night because of the distraction from the scalp pain/pressure).
I did just get my local county insurance again and hopefully that will mean better drugs for the problems I have, although I still need to find a doctor (now that the holidays are over). Also it turns out there's some low-cost dental clinics and I really need at least one tooth pulled, probably two (not to mention some other work, but that'll have to be slow; even at "low cost", dental stuff is not cheap, and it's hard to deal with when you always feel like crap anyhow). Also, in a show of disturbing maturity, the money we got for Xmas from my future-father-in-law is going to finance a (badly needed) new pair of glasses for me, as soon as I stop having stupid headaches so I can go get an exam.
In the meantime, I really can't concentrate enough to work on projects, put in a lot of gaming time, or anything else. So why I picked now to make a blog I don't know, except I guess I was thinking of posting about City of Heroes. I'll probably have some pics to share in a couple days.
Incidentally, I know most of my Simming friends are not really gamer types, but if anyone's interested in either Guild Wars or City of Heroes on a casual basis, let me know and I'll tell you where I play and who and anything else you'd like to know about the games (and how to get a trial). I'd love to have a couple more casual players to group with from time to time, people who don't feel a need to constantly play at a fast pace. Guild Wars is free to play except for software purchase (3 games and an expansion pack you need any of the stand-alone games for), and is a fantasy MMO. City of Heroes has a monthly fee but can be gotten for essentially free ($5 if you buy a game card for $20 that comes with a month of time and a bonus item); it's a super-hero (and super-villain) MMO. Both games are relatively solo- and very casual-friendly, and City of Heroes has some amount of RP (not much in GW, alas) if you play on the right servers.
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