Friday, July 16, 2010

Mah Elite Armor, Part 3

Yeah, I started to get determined about getting enough money to get all the oldest characters elite armor. These guys are Nightfall natives, so their armor is from a slightly creepy area late in that game. The one thing I don't like about it is how little you can dye, but I like the overall style and the undyable parts, thankfully, go with the colour scheme for this character, so I went ahead and got it anyhow. Pics behind cut (clickable for bigger versions):

Nasrin (Dervish) sans hood and weapon.

Nasrin (with hood and weapon) and partner Nabuti (Paragon).

You can spot Nabuti's aatxe minipet behind us; my mini-Koss (warrior hero you can get in the game) is somewhere off-screen.

There's one more set of characters I'd like to get into elite armor ASAP, and that's my native Canthans, but they need to get to the end of their campaign to get the set I want first, so it may be a bit before they get theirs. Depending on how long that takes versus how much gold I farm, someone else might get theirs first.

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