Saturday, July 10, 2010

Not Elite Armor

These guys were languishing in idle land for a long time but recently we finally got them out of the beginner area and ran them up to where they could get max armor (and makeovers). ("Ran", in this case, means taking them past a lot of earlier areas.) Since mesmer armor is just lovely even in the non-elite versions, I figured I'd take a couple screenshots.

Heather, my SO's mesmer (left) and Alyssa, my mesmer (right). Both of us got new hairstyles; I also got a new hair colour that looked better on this hairstyle. (My SO says he might still change Heather's hair color.)

And my mesmer with her sword and shield. (Click for bigger version.)

This is a big Thing with me; one of the first images I ever saw from Guild Wars was this (click for bigger version):

That image is one of the major reasons I decided to try the game out, in fact. Then I found out that mesmers couldn't actually use swords. Or, well, they can hold swords, but they can't really use them as a weapon. But having a shield for a little extra protection sometimes is fairly standard, even if usually it's paired with a weapon that actually gives some energy. That one doesn't, but it's one of my favorite sword models, so, oh well. :)

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